(Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)


that helps people suffering with emotional pain and upsetting memories.  EMDR has been extensively researched and it is now recognized nationally and internationally as an effective treatment modality for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).  In addition, it has been used effectively to treat a variety of other conditions such as anxiety, depression, panic, OCD, addictions and phobias as well as treat individuals with emotional pain associated with disturbing life experiences such as abuse and neglect.

Disturbing experiences are not just stored as explicit memories.  Like an iceberg, most of which is below the surface, there are components such as bodily sensations, smells, sounds, images, painful emotions and negative beliefs about oneself that get stored also.  Everyday circumstances and interactions can activate this disturbing residue “out of nowhere”, causing emotional distress, reactions out of sync with the current situation, interpersonal conflicts, poor decision making, etc.


EMDR goes where talk therapy cannot, to the body and deeper regions of the brain, it is believed.  It involves stimulating both sides of the brain through back and forth eye movements, vibrating hand held pods or sounds.  Many people have experienced healing as the reprocessed painful experiences are seen in a new, healthier light and the emotional intensity subsides.


Although the actual mechanism by which the intervention works is still unknown, the effects have proven to be significant.  It is believed that by activating other parts of the brain that are beyond the reach of the talk therapies, the residue of disturbing life experiences can be cleared and suffering reduced.

I am EMDR trained by the EMDR Institute.  I incorporate EMDR into my work with children and adults.  I may use this treatment exclusively or I may use this treatment in an integrated fashion with psychodynamic and/or cognitive behavioral therapies.  I have been called upon to work collaboratively with treating therapists to provide EMDR therapy to their clients.

If you would like more information please go to www.EMDRIA.org or www.EMDR.com.


“History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again.”

– Maya Angelou


EMDR Therapy larchmont, EMDR Larchmont